Well everything started a few years ago...

This T-shirt is dedicated to the person who taught me that I don’t need to be in a close relationship with someone to love them. Yes, I am talking about heartbreak, but maybe it wasn't that at all. You see, true love is about letting things exist just as they are. 

At the "end" of our relationship i was really really sad. Then, I realized where this overwhelming sadness came from, attachment. Holding on tightly for too long can lead to suffering. An attachment can be anything; a person, a place, a job, or even an object, but is it worth it? No, it is optional? Yes...

When we latch and cling onto something, we miss out on new experiences. We lose our connection to life when we want to hold on too tight. There is no room to enjoy the new things life has to offer. Life can’t bring us new gifts if we don’t let go. Instead, we should enjoy things as they are and appreciate their energy as they come and go, like flowers in a field. Let them be, as they’re part of an imperfectly perfect system. 

By staying true to ourselves, our energy attracts different experiences as we grow, unveiling away layers to get closer to our true selves. It’s not about attaching to nothing but connecting to everything. 

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